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cases made against polytheism

I saw this youtube videos trying to use science as a way to show that polytheism is false and monotheism is the only religious system that is possible to can be seen here: or thise one also does this:

Besides the fact that it is ironic that monotheists uses science to prove that polytheism can not work and therefor false. The whole argument here can be undermined because science can not even proof that god exists, let alone that it can be used to disprove polytheism as a viable religious system.

The video states that because of elements found in water that are also found anywhere else in the world is proof that polytheism can not work. This argument is false of course.

Monotheists believe that their god created everything in this universe, including mankind and that we are the pinnacle of creation.

Polytheists tend to not linger to much on creation myths because we accept that we are as much as part of nature as animals, flowers, trees, water. The ancient Sumerians believed that the Gods created mankind so that they wouldn’t have to work. All pantheons have a detailed family tree how They came to be and what came before the ruling class of Gods. For the ancient Greeks, it was Hesiodos who gave us a detailed description of this family tree. He wrote down that before Zeus and the Olympians ruled the universe, Titans ruled before Them and the Protogenoi before Them.

Lets look at the premise of the argument that video made. The video stated that because molecules that are part of water and found elsewhere, means that a God of water could come into conflict with a other God. On the surface it would appear like that. If you take into account that the Gods can limit themselves so there wouldn’t be any clashes between Them, kind of disproves it. Take Ares and Pallas Athena for example. Both are Gods who are also part of warfare. Albeit in different aspect of warfare. While Ares can be viewed as the brutal part of war, Pallas Athena is viewed as the strategical part of war. War is brutal but you need strategy to survive it. In this, both Gods are brought together without conflict between the two.

Even so, Yawheh’s origins lies in Canaanite polytheistic religion. Stating that polytheism can not work because of science kind of also undermines your point as well since the origin of your god lies with polytheism. Maintaining that the existence of multiple Gods creates chaos, strife, and undermines the fabric of the universe and reality shows that they haven’t thought it through. Well, they can not fathom that multiple Gods can exist. Multiple Gods do exist and can co-exist in harmony by respecting each other’s domains. Even using the notion that their god is an infinite being, unstopable force, that there can not exist another force that counteracts it. That analogy does not make sense regarding polytheism vs monotheism. It uses a false logic that only their god is real and others aren’t. Before the Judaism started to break off from the Canaanite polytheistic society and focused on their own God as the one and only God there, He was part of a pantheon of Gods. While the notion of a national deity was not uncommon during that time, Jews went beyond it, and stated that their God Yawheh created all there is. The reason why monotheists say polytheism doesn’t work is because they start from a monotheistic mindset and from that mindset something like that does not work. That is the main problem that they have. From their point of view, a God is omnipotent, omniscient being. In polytheism, this is rarely the case. The same can be said of polytheists who don’t understand monotheism. Well now most polytheists came from a monotheistic background, rarely have they been brought up in a polytheistic household, but since our culture is judeo-Christian, it is hard to escape from it. Still most polytheists will try to explore their own faith, build their communities. Still the argument that monotheists have to prove that polytheism is false is based on belief. They have their truth, polytheists have theirs. There has been enough blood shed over religion, we do not need another war over religion. Let’s try to respect each others beliefs and try to work together to build a world where there is religious tolerance.

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